Friday, October 16, 2015


On the subject of female criminality and offending, I found a video on my favorite news site The video was on female sex offending and posed the question of whether or not it was becoming a "growing threat". The opening of the video showcased women who were charged with the unofficial act of taking advantage of their underaged, male students. The words “attack” and “prey” were used, which made me curious about whether or not the video and any news related to female sex offending was pigeon-holding the situations and generalizing them to appear as attacks when they’re really just statutory rape involving an older woman and a younger boy. One of the cases that they showcased mentioned that after the woman served her prison sentence, she and the young boy went on to marry one another.

The Baltimore Ravens cheerleader controversy has brought this subject to light yet again and that makes you think of whether this is occurring more often or if the news just reports on these cases more frequently. I believe that the idea that women cannot offend and that the young boys are “lucky” to “get it” with someone, no matter the age is what fuels the press fire to keep these women in the news. Beauty sells and when a beautiful woman is the focus of a crime, people are going to pay attention. The news isn’t starting to report more on this case it is simply that the number of women who are offending against young males is actually rising.

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